UnBEACHlievable Sunny Days
After swelling our ranks with two more lovely people we set off for a beautiful walk along the Waters of Leith to Dean Village and the National Gallery of Modern Art.
It was food for our souls to luxuriate in companionship, playing pick-up-sticks, sipping home-made mojitos, making new friends, playing like five year olds and spending many hours on a white sandy beach (Yellowcraig).
It was food for our souls to luxuriate in companionship, playing pick-up-sticks, sipping home-made mojitos, making new friends, playing like five year olds and spending many hours on a white sandy beach (Yellowcraig).
When living away from home it seems extra special to spend time with old friends who know you well and to make fresh memories which will become synonymous with our time in Edinburgh.
Thank you A&A for being lovely guests and gorgeous friends!
Thank you A&A for being lovely guests and gorgeous friends!