It's Beginning To Feel A Bit Like Christmas
November is usually a quiet, cold month with the strains of approaching Yule tide beginning to reveal themselves. This year it was a little different.
We managed to get tickets to see Rodriquez at the Usher Hall. If you haven’t yet seen the documentary 'Searching for Sugarman' based on the extraordinary life of this true living legend then please watch it soon!
He is one of the most inspirational men alive and watching him in the flesh felt as momentous as seeing Bob Dylan play in Finsbury Park a couple of years ago but much more intimate and touching. In musical terms he is up there with the greats. At 70 years old he has to be helped on stage by an aide but once he is in situ with his guitar his eternal musicality shines out and makes him young again. I feel blessed to have been in his witty, humble, joyous presence.
I wore my Lulu Guiness pumps and bi-plane print skirt in celebration!
In other news: the Christmas market in the centre of Edinburgh unexpectedly won me over on its opening day when I bought my brother a birthday Bratwurst and we drank Kirschi (mulled wine with an extra shot of cherry flavoured liqueur- slighty dangerous in strength but ultimately delicious).
We actually managed to attend a local cultural event (if you could call Christmas clowns flying from a crane in the centre of town a cultural event) to watch the turning on of the Edinburgh Christmas lights.
For all the strange ‘performances’ of adults dressed as children having pillow fights on a bed-shaped float which then actually DID float from said crane the fireworks over the castle were spectacular and there was a full harvest moon hanging over proceedings which added an extra festive edge.
We were blessed with a pre-Christmas visit from some jolly good friends of ours from London. We went to see the ‘One Oak’ exhibition at the Botanical Gardens, took a stroll around the frosty grounds and even got a ride on their amazing tandem!
I’m feeling so relaxed about Christmas this year which makes a real change because, for some reason, I usually work myself into a complete stew about managing to see everybody I should see in a short amount of time.
This year we are hosting in Edinburgh and although I probably should be more worried because of that I am naively pleased that I can stay in one place and let other lovely people come to me!
How are you Xmas plans shaping up?
My Christmas will be fun, being hosted and simply taking along some food and fizz - can't wait!