Un-Planned Adventure No.1: New Year's Eve up Arthur's Seat

How right old Robert Burns was when he said that ‘the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry’ (or that’s what we English presume he said in his Scots poem To a Mouse!)

I’ve decided that plans are over-rated as, even when they are intricate and comprehensive, they are bound to come unstuck somewhere and leave you more stressed than you would have been without one in the first place. Also, plans often feel restrictive and leave little room for surprises or ad-hoc adventures.

When plans go awry, or there are no plans to begin with, magical things start to happen.

I decided to take the pressure off myself and everyone around me at Christmas this year and had one of the nicest years on record and, to continue the theme, I planned nothing for New Year’s Eve and D and I ended up at the top of an extinct volcano, holding glasses of champagne and seeing the New Year in with other warmly wrapped-up adventurers watching an incredible show of fireworks across the city.

So I’ve decided that my New Year’s resolution is to not make too many plans and to see where life will take me when I’m busy NOT making them!


Unknown said…
Hi I'm hoping to go up arthurs seat this NYE with lanterns and sparklers... Did you have to pay or anything?
Ellen said…
Hi Charlotte, thank you for your comment. No, you don't have to pay. When I went the only sign of anything formal were volunteers in high vis jackets with torches who were checking on the revelers! All very relaxed and fun in general!

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