No Screen Sunday

Last Sunday I woke up feeling the need to really connect to the world around me for the day, without the intermediary of an electronic screen.

It might sound romantic or old fashioned but I often feel that spare time spent mindlessly surfing the interweb or watching rubbish television is wasted. I am very guilty of both of the above but know that, if I spent a bit more time trying to entertain myself (as it were!) my creativity would start to rear its head again and I might feel more fulfilled having taken quiet time away from gizmos to re-attach my impulses and my actions.

All very new-age, I know, and not everyone’s idea of a good time but, having made the decision that I would keep my phone switched off for the day, not watch any television or look at anything on the laptop or Ipod, I was free to fully enjoy a Sunday off spending time with D. We went to our favourite local café to read the colour supplements and enjoy some yummy food; I remembered that I love to play the harmonica and we enjoyed spending time doing almost nothing in our sunny flat.

Ingrid and Stuart are the lovely café collaborators who own Bon Papillon on Howe Street. Whilst Ingrid paints in the gallery/work shop in the back of the café, Stuart whips up delicious, home-made meals which are served on beautiful earthenware plates. I am very envious of their seemingly perfect lifestyle!

During the day I found that I took a lot more time with particular activities because I knew I wouldn’t be entertained by anything else, like the television. It isn’t as though I watch a ridiculous amount of television (ehem!) and, in fact, I love how much I learn from T.V by choosing really well-made, interesting programmes on Iplayer. But I am also a die-hard Neighbours fan and do spend a lot of time after work finding comfort in sitting down in front of that and loosing myself.

Sunday, though, was about finding myself again and I realising how many hobbies I actually have. For a self-professed hobby-phobe this was quite enlightening. It might amuse some of you to know that I have always loved bird watching. I grew up learning about different bird song, eggs and feather patterns from my Grandpa and whenever I take time to get outside and focus on watching birds I always feel calmed and as if my attention to detail has been fine-tuned. I also went swimming at my local pool and made a friend in the fast lane whilst we both stopped for a breather. I love meeting nice new people in my local area as it makes me feel at home in a new city and as if the network of people around me is getting stronger by the day.

We visited the local Sunday market, started planning our summer holiday (which I feel in dire need of!) and continued reading ‘Snow Drops’ by A.D Miller which we will be reviewing at our friend’s monthly book group.

I think I proved to myself that I was in need of ‘No Screen Sunday’ just by realising how revolutionary it felt having not looked at a screen all day. I will definitely be making a habit of time off from telly and will keep up with my re-found hobbies.

Do you ever feel the need to get away from modern day trappings or are you an un-ashamed techno-junkie? I would love to hear from you!


Anonymous said…
We should all do no-screen days much more often and simply spend time with those we love, undistracted by technology and engaged with the physical world around us.
Anonymous said…
I think I need a no-screen day. Or maybe a no-screen week! Haha. It looks like you had an awesome time.


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