Does anyone read blogs anymore?

It's been a really long time!

Hello friends! Anybody out there?

In the six years since I last posted...nah, I don't think we need anymore of those decade overviews that were bandied around at the start of the month (did I do one on Insta? Yes, yes I did).

Needless to say, a lot has changed - jobs, relationships, houses. I am back living in Bristol. My fiancĂ© and I bought our house in the summer 2019 and have been busy redecorating. Lots of blog worthy content and projects, but the main reason I have decided to venture back to the medium of the long form, long lost blog post is because I was made redundant in November and a couple of weeks afterwards found out, extremely happily, that I'm pregnant. 

This series of events has thrown up all sorts of complexities, stresses, changes of pace and 8 weeks of constant nausea and utter exhaustion! Writing has always been my way of venting, sorting and ordering my feelings and the venn diagram of unemployment, first pregnancy and a lot of time alone to think (and watch This is Us) has resulted in a need for connection and dropping these thought capsules into the ether again. If anyone would be in the least bit interested in hearing about the upcoming journey do comment away!

Whether the blogsphere still exists after the invention of Instagram, I don't know. I follow one blog still (Junkaholique, check it out if you don't already know it) but otherwise have no idea. I don't even think trolls existed when I last posted on Cameo so, let's hope the algorithm hides me from those guys (see, no idea). 

This is just an exercise in dipping my toe back in but, if the feeling takes me, I might use Cameo as a place to discuss feminism, positive birth, books, careers, wedding planning etc. 'Might' being the operative word!


Megan said…
Go Ellen! xxx
Anonymous said…
More please
Cat said…
I read you!

Good to hear your words again

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